ASP Now Hiring In 5 Different Airports!
By Sean Gallagher, Recruitment
It is with great passion and respect that I announce that we are doing security and customer service hiring in five different airports in two different provinces.
The company is growing at a rapid pace, which means we need more ASP-caliber employees and referrals have always proved to be a successful model for our company.
We are looking for all types of personalities and experienced security and customer service representatives. If you know anyone interested, even with very little experience that can meet our expectations, please feel free to pass on our recruitment e-mails.
ASP will also be looking for leaders in all areas of its supervision, specialist positions, management or HR. It’s a great time to be working for ASP and I am proud to be a part of the front line of hiring.
Please have your referrals e-mail the appropriate recruiter for the positions they are interested in.
Contact Susana Borosic (sborosic@security-asp.com) for Pearson Airport Access Control, Supervisors and Specialists.
Contact Sean Gallagher (sgallagher@security-asp.com) for Ottawa Airport, Calgary Airport, Sudbury Airport and for customer service rep positions.
Looking forward to what growth 2019 brings us!
By Sean Gallagher, Recruitment