Delivering Customer Service
By Jim Catney, Vice-President, Aviation and Transportation
ASP understands the importance of delivering quality customer service and the positive impact that it can have on our brand and our clients brand as well.
Whether an employee is providing security services or customer support services, the priority is to do so in a professional and respectful manner. Every customer should feel like a V.I.P. – a Very Individual Person. When a customer feels like an individual, they are more likely to perceive their experience as unique and special. It can be a challenge in busy airports and sports arena environments to individualize every interaction in a special way, however; that should always be our goal.
Customers are typically a little stressed on their travel or event day, they may have started their day in a different time zone and are fatigued, frustrated with line-ups for processing, etc. It is during these moments, if you interact with each customer as a V.I.P. that it can make a difference in a very positive way.
ASP has received many letters and emails from customers and our clients that highlight a particular interaction with an ASP employee that impressed them so much, they took time to write a letter or email to recognize the employee.
Our company continues to grow as a result of the quality of service our existing employees provide every day. Every employee plays an important role every time you wear the ASP uniform.
Thanks to all of our employees for delivering great service over the busy summer period.