ASP Trains over 300 School Crossing Guards
By Michael Moledzki, Training Coordinator, Residential/Commercial Division
What a feat the training department accomplished this summer! This July and August, the Training Department trained over 300 school crossing guards in preparation for the start of the school year. This was the largest training initiative the division ever coordinated, with groups of 100-150 people at a time! We rented a hall at a community centre for the larger sessions to have everyone ready in time.

We appreciate everyone’s patience in the training of the crossing guard duties, uniform expectations and the cell phone app. It was a great experience getting to know the crossing guards and listening to their stories from their years of working to keep children and other pedestrians safe while crossing the roadways. In addition to the experienced crossing guards, we also onboarded and trained new employees. We look forward to working with them as they serve in this important role. It is an honour to welcome the crossing guards into the ASP family!