In-House Training Offerings

By Lisa Marsan, Training Manager, Residential/Commercial Division

The Residential/Commercial Division is offering the following in-house training courses: Standard First Aid/CPR & AED Level ‘C’ (2 days), CPR/AED (4 hours), and Customer Service Excellence (4 hours).

First Aid Students practice CPR

Courses are open to all employees working in the division, including Crossing Guards and Security Guards. Additional courses will be offered later this year both in the classroom and through the iSpring e-learning portal.

Use of Force courses such as Legal Authorities-Use of Force Theory, Advanced Communications, Defensive Tactics & Handcuffing and Tactical Baton, are available to Security Guards, Security Specialists and Mobile Patrol Supervisors.

Training is free for employees. Where a course or certification is required for the position or post, employees are paid to attend the training. Please ensure your certifications are up to date and enroll in any required courses in advance to ensure compliance with site policies and service agreements.

Courses have been scheduled through the end of November. Please contact Mike Moledzki, Training Coordinator ( for a copy of the training calendars and to register for a course. Please book your courses with the Resource Planning Team and your Supervisor or Manager to ensure that you are able to attend a required course.

  • Category: Residential and Commercial News