Upcoming New Airside Project
By Noman Butt, Client Support Manager
The GTAA will be starting a construction project on May 4th to replace concrete slabs on Taxiway H. Originally, the project was supposed to start on April 20th, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project requires 4 D AVOPs, 2 DA AVOPs and one Airside Access Control guard.
ASP will be providing the Access Control guard for this particular project. As the project unfolds, more guards might be required. This project is a 24/7 operation; however, the majority of the work will be completed overnight. A vehicle will be provided to the guard if there is no booth available at the construction sites.
The guard will be responsible to provide access to the GTAA’s subcontractors according to post orders. GTAA is looking into prioritizing this project, which will subsequently lead to more Taxiway/Runway work this summer. The work has been planned in three phases and could last until September. In order to make this project successful, we would require the help of our Airside Access Control guards and our supervisors.