Our Joint Objective: Back in the Air
By Angus Wilson, Director of Aviation Services
ASP is supported by ICTS initiatives for the post-COVID-19 era in the aviation sector. The COVID-19 crisis is dramatically impacting the aviation industry.
ICTS Europe – the aviation security specialists, the Company with Aviation DNA flowing in its veins, has set an objective for the organization: To help the industry bring airplanes back to the air as soon as possible.
We are addressing COVID-19 risks with solutions that will boost global confidence that “Flying is Safe”.
Our approach is modular and intended to benefit as much of the Aviation eco-system as possible. From airports, airlines, regulators through to competitors, our objective is a simple one – to address COVID-19 risks through pragmatic solutions and increase global confidence in air travel.
We would like to share with you the current initiatives we have taken in ICTS Europe and jointly with specialized partners.
Our team is ready to explore with you how these concept and products could be adapted to match your vision, objectives, plans and preferences. If you would like to explore any of these products further, please do not hesitate in contacting Angus Wilson – awilson@security-asp.com
Flight Reservations for Passengers/Airline

- Checks passenger’s documentation against travel restrictions imposed by the authorities in the transit or destination country.
- An online Travel Document Rule Library (APP or Web) that displays each country’s immigration, health and safety and customs rules is also available.
Document Verification and Security Processes at the Airport

- CoviDoc + Security
- Regulated Questionnaire Covid
- Face recognition SDK in APP
- RBHF (remote breathing, heart rate, fever)
- Contactless doc validation (TravelDoc, CoviDoc)
- Ongoing observation for COVID-19 signs detection
- Clearance and documentation security + CoviDoc
- APIS, Contactless ID bagtag printer (ICTS mobile unit)
Social Distancing: Enforcing Guidance at Airports

- Unique software and live streaming capabilities
- AI-based detection capabilities can identify and monitor multiple areas
- Can be implemented using existing infrastructure
- Combination of software and services
- Remote monitoring capabilities
- Quickly identify and address areas where guidelines are not being followed.
Sanitation of Baggage, Equipment and Surfaces

- Closed space virus and virus disinfection system is based on UV radiation.
- The system is UV-based
- The autoclave operates at 360 degrees
- Can be mounted on a towing wagon
- Can be developed its robotic-autonomous version and move to serial production
- Advantage, as opposed to chemical purification, is that you can use the room immediately afterwards.
Sanitation of Baggage, Equipment and Surfaces

- Measure the distance of the tested pulse, body heat, positioning and breathing rate.
- Fusion all the indices from the various sensors
- Discover the symptoms of a remote corona patient without human contact.
- The test data is displayed on a remote monitor
- Only Pax touch’s bag procedures
- Bag search with necessary H&S equipment.