RES CIC Training
Brian Joly, Training Manager, Res/CIC Division
Many exciting new things have been happening with the Residential Commercial Training Department.
As part of our Differentiated Learning Initiative, we have uploaded voice recordings to all our quiz questions. Now learners can have the question read to them with the tap of a button through our tablets. This is a game changer in allowing auditory learners the ability to truly understand what is being asked of them during quizzing. It also helps learners where English is their second language, as more understand English better when hearing it, as opposed to reading it. The training department has also recently launched “Stay Safe Instructional Programs” as their training module for Use of Force. Stay Safe puts a huge emphasis on non-violent de-escalation techniques. Guards learn about the different stages of a person in crisis and how to manage those stages. The feedback from our learners has been phenomenal.