Message from Marcela Mecaj

By Marcela Mecaj, Airside Supervisor for Gurdeep Aujla, NPSV - TPIA

I want to nominate Gurdeep Aulja our senior guard on Airside for International Women’s Day.

Her dedication and long hours that she puts in for our company, and her willingness to make her work a better place, are a true inspiration.”

“If you want to follow, follow the footsteps of your women colleagues because they are the real heroes and real winner.s. Managing home and work as a single mother, is never easy but she has always done it so effortlessly….. Wishing you all the success and prosperity on International Women’s Day.”

Thank you everyone for sending in your testimonials. As a company and as individuals, we must continue to champion and promote workplace diversity and gender equality, not just because it is the fair and right thing to do, but because gender diversity has a positive impact on the success of the company.

The ASP Diversity and Inclusion Committee is committed to promotion of workplace equality and diversity. For more information, please write to

“If you want to follow, follow the footsteps of your women colleagues because she is the real hero and real winner.”

  • Category: Diversity and Inclusion