YYC Update
By Elizabeth Warwick, Operations Manager
I think it is safe to say that 2020 has been the year that none of us were expecting. We have all experienced considerable operational shifts and changes to the way that we conduct our day-to-day activities, especially due to COVID precautions, such as frequent disinfection of workspaces and equipment, wearing masks, and physical distancing. These newsletter articles typically focus on the exceptional performance specific employees, but it was difficult to focus on only a few employees as there have been so many amazing contributions from across all of the teams.
Our Access Control Officers both in the terminal and airside have seen many changes to the processes and procedures at the access control points, including new rules for Alberta Health Services personnel as well as changes to the process for verifying non-local RAICS with the new RAIC Integration Process. In addition, many employees needed to be trained on new posts when their usual posts were closed and although at times this pushed employees outside of their comfort zone, each employee rose to the occasion. We have also seen an increase to the number of invalid or expired RAICs from employees who have returned from layoffs and leave of absences. Despite all this, our Access Control Guards have continued to provide exceptional and effective service in their roles.
Our Terminal Patrollers have increased their patrols both in the terminal as well as on the curb and in the parkades, conducted frequent patrols to ensure that no individuals were loitering in closed areas of the terminal, adapted to substantial changes to the Guardtek system, and have dealt with an increase to the number of unwanted guests who have visited the airport. These diligent employees have also been tasked with reminding others of the face covering requirements, which has not always been warmly received. The level of customer service and guest assistance provided by the Terminal Patrollers has continued to increase, which has helped passengers navigate new changes to the way they travel.
Our Airside Patrollers have seen an increase to the amount of operational taskings they are dispatched to complete and took over the responsibility of conducting thorough fence patrols each shift. They have been crucial to the operation for both ASP, as well as many airport partners who rely on their assistance to be able to complete their own duties.
Our SOC operators have also experienced many changes with their duties and work environment, as there have been numerous changes to the roles and responsibilities within the IOC including the elimination of the dispatcher role. Throughout 2020, there have been many unusual incidents which required the SOC operators on shift to react quickly and find solutions for situations that had not previously been encountered.
Our Supervisors have also seen major changes to their role, especially as the supervisor teams were split between terminal and groundside responsibilities. They have closely monitored the guards on their teams to ensure that all employees are trained for the positions they are assigned and have frequently assisted with last minute scheduling due to COVID related absences. The supervisors began issuing visitor passes due to the temporary closure of the Pass Control Office and have continued assisting with this task to alleviate the pressure on the Pass Control Office. They have also taken on the responsibility of conducting COVID screening questionnaires with employees at the start of every shift. These activities have ensured that the operation continues despite the challenges we have experienced.
Although this year has been challenging at times, it has also been very rewarding as it has shown that despite the frequent changes, our team is capable of reacting and adapting to unforeseen circumstances. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every ASP employee at YYC Calgary International Airport, as we would not have been able to accomplish all that we have if not for the dedication, adaptability, and resilience displayed by this team. I appreciate all that you do and am looking forward to seeing what 2021 holds, as I am confident that no matter what changes we see, our team can handle anything!
“I want to take this opportunity to thank every YYC Employee”