2021 DI Survey Results
By Sarah Jessop, Secretary, Diversity and Inclusion
In late 2021, the ASP Diversity and Inclusion committee
launched our second annual Diversity and Inclusion
Survey to inform our 2022 initiatives. We’d like to thank
everyone who took the time to participate, as you have
once again provided us with constructive feedback on how
our culture fosters an inclusive environment where people
of all backgrounds can thrive.
We chose to launch this survey for a second year in a
row because the feedback you provided us in 2020 was
essential in driving our 2021 decision-making. You may
recall some of the initiatives we launched last year in
response to your feedback, such as roundtables held for
Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month, Pride
Month and the launch of our revised ASP Workplace
Harassment, Violence and Bullying Prevention Policy
and Anti Discrimination Policy. A snapshot of our 2021
Diversity and Inclusion Survey results are outlined below
in comparison with the 2020 survey. This year, you can
expect to see changes and brand-new initiatives based on
the opinions you voiced!
2020 vs. 2021 Diversity and Inclusion
Survey Results
We are thrilled to say that our participation rate increased
by 10% this year. The 2021 results show that we have
made steady progress in most areas, with room to improve
as we move into 2022.
In my organization, I can be successful as my
authentic self:
- 2021 – 81% agree
- 2020 – 77% agree
ASP management appropriately responds to
- 2021 – 81% agree
- 2020 – 80% agree
People of all cultures, backgrounds, and identities are valued here:
- 2021 – 80% agree*
- 2020 – 82% agree
- Our D&I Committee will make this a focus for 2022. The comments you shared in the 2021 survey have helped us understand what needs to be improved. When I speak up at work, my opinion is valued:
- 2021 – 69% agree
- 2020 – 67% agree
*Although we have improved by 2% in this area, we know more work
needs to be done to show you that your voice matters.
Within ASP, everyone has access to equal opportunities
regardless of their diverse background.
- 2021 – 80% agree
- 2020 – 78% agree
Your Comments
The comments you share with us in the Diversity and
Inclusion Survey are one of the most valuable tools for
our committee. They provide us with your insight on how
ASPs day-to-day operations impact feelings of fairness,
belonging, and voice.
They also give you an opportunity to provide our
committee with some great suggestions on how we can
continue to improve. Below are some of your comments
on what we are doing well, and what we need to focus on
in 2022:
“The leaders give equal opportunity and motivation to
express your comments in meetings”
“Discrimination is not strongly emphasized during
trainings or orientation”
“ASP has firm and effective anti-harassment, anti-violence,
and anti-bullying policies…
“A suggestion would be to visit more sites and give positive
“ASP provides equal employment opportunities”
“…put more efforts into gender equality and monitor work
locations to identify and address discrimination issues that
employees may be reluctant to report”
“Diversity and inclusion are a continual effort; I think ASP
has come a long way!”
Next Steps
Our Diversity and Inclusion committee has heard what
you have to say. We are now designing our 2022 initiatives
so that they align with your feedback. Please keep an eye
out for more information on these projects throughout
the year.
New members in the ASP D&I Committee
We are expanding our membership of the ASP D&I
Committee as we begin our second year. Please join us in
welcoming the new members in the committee. We look
forward to your contribution and involvement and are
confident that your inputs will support the committee’s
mission and purpose.
- Keba Walters, Asst Manager, Recruitment
- Langelihle Lissa Ncube, HR Coordinator
- Gillian Byron, OSR at Pearson Airport
- Mohamad Miah, Terminal Patrol at YYC
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
the committee at inclusive@security-asp.com With
your help, we can continue improving the diversity and
inclusion experience for all employees at ASP.