ASP Heros
By Kim Hefferman, Service Delivery Manager
Working in respites is nothing short of unpredictable and Tuesday May 3rd at the Willowdale Welcome Center (5800 Yonge Street) was an example of just how quickly a situation can unfold.
ASP Security Shift Supervisor Scott Maidens, Security Guard Emily Parkinson and Security Guard Jasmeet Singh were only 30 minutes into their shift when a violent situation developed.
A service user grabbed a shelter staff member and held a knife to the person’s neck. The ASP team instinctively leapt into action, utilizing their training and experience to intervene and safely disarm the individual.
The quick actions and level of professionalism displayed by Scott, Emily and Jasmeet were nothing less than heroic and without a doubt prevented a potentially tragic event from happening.
As a result of their actions on this day, the City of Toronto has recommended all three ASP security staff for a Cause for Applause award.
A Cause for Applause is awarded to employees or teams that have gone above and beyond their day-to-day responsibilities.
Nominees include employees or teams that have achieved extraordinary work with a positive impact to internal clients, residents and/or business.
The entire management team at ASP would like to recognize and thank Scott, Emily and Jasmeet for their exemplary actions in the face of danger and we are extremely proud to have ASP represented in such a positive and professional manner!
Thank you for going above and beyond in the face of crisis and continuing to do what you do on a daily basis.