By Petra Nash, Executive Assistant
2020 marked the 20th anniversary for ASP Our celebration plans were muted due to the global pandemic and the impact it had on our business. But the strength of character so many of you showed in remaining on the front lines and continuing to provide the critical service our clients depend on, has been monumental. It proved to us that we are doing the right things and behaving in a way that demonstrated the true character of this business, which incorporated in 2000.
Last year, our CEO and President, Mr. Dean Lovric committed to “an ASP Day at Canada’s Wonderland (a full day at the park, exclusive use of rides in the evening, and a private inner), to commemorate our 20th and celebrate those who are most important to the success of the business ……… you, our front-line workers.
On September 18, 2021, ASP held our first ever Family Day event at Wonderland! We were fortunate to have great weather, and we were overjoyed seeing all our ASP employees walking around! Your dedication to ASP is appreciated and we want to thank you for making the day memorable.

ASP Head Office staff were able to spot ASP employees because of their ASP Security Services red t-shirts. If you were wearing your ASP red t-shirt you had a chance to be given a raffle ticket. Tickets were handed out by Head Office employees and were given to those employees who Please take a photo of your raffle ticket if it corresponds to any of the numbers below and send it to Petra Nash at along with your phone number, email address as well as employee number. Someone from the head office will be in touch with you on your prize were spotted wearing their t-shirts. Below are the raffle ticket winners! Please ensure you speak with your family members to have them check their raffle ticket numbers as well.
We want to thank you once again for all the hard work you have done and hope you had an amazing day at Wonderland!

Please take a photo of your raffle ticket if it corresponds to any of the numbers below and send it to Petra Nash at along with your phone number, email address as well as employee number. Someone from the head office will be in touch with you on your prize.