Accounting and Payroll Corner
By Paul Parkinson, Director, Finance
Have you moved, or had some other change in your life?
With the COVID-19 impact to the operations, the office has seen an increase in the number of mailings going out. It’s important that we have your correct address and contact information on hand. This will ensure that any correspondence reaches you in a timely manner.
We do not want you to miss out on important news, payroll documents, or even shifts. An easy way to check to see if your address is correct is to check the address listed on your paystub. If this is incorrect, then send an email to and we will be sure to update our systems accordingly. Any new address, phone number or emergency contact information should be sent through to us to update. This is often overlooked item in our very busy lives.
Are you missing hours on your paystub? We have many employees and our business is anything but normal. We’ll admit that we’re not perfect but strive for perfection. At times, we could have missed hours on the paycheque. You can help us. Our scheduling software has an employee portal which allows you to check your schedule and the hours worked.
If you see something that is missed, such as your shift being extended, get a note off to your supervisor for correction before the pay period closes. In doing so, you ensure that you have the right number of hours being paid when you receive the paystub and lessen the impact on everyone.