Mango Party
By Asad Abbas, RES/CIC Operations Manager
COVID-19 has impacted everyone in different ways. At this point in the pandemic, people are tired of being cooped up due to restrictions on indoor gatherings. People are experiencing a type of burnout that experts are calling COVID-19 fatigue.

It is important to recognize this COVID-19 fatigue and understand what we can do for our employees to help. The CIC/RES Division organized the “Mango Party” for its office staff on Friday 4th June 2021. The objective of the party was to add fun in the routine life and enjoy the delicious taste of Pakistani Mangoes. Jasmine Khimany, our Human Resources Manager, was instrumental in the organization of this event. We requested that everyone in the office wear yellow, green, or orange on this day.
To make this activity fun, participants were required to participate in different games. The first game played was “Mango Trivia” through Kahoot. Alyssa Rizzo was exceptional in this game and was declared the winner. The second game played was Mango Presentation. In this game we learned there are several ways to cut a mango. At the end of our game Shakerah Bennett was the winner!

“At this point in the pandemic, people are tired of being cooped up due to restrictions”

The third game was “Fast Mango Eating Competition”. In this game each participant had a mango in front of them and had to peel the mango and eat it as quickly as possible. Amy came out as our winner, but it was a close call between her and Cliff Sampogna.
The last event of the Mango Party was the “Lucky Draws’ where participants had a chance to win a $25 gift card. Mike Moledzki was the lucky draw and opted to give his gift to the newest member of the team Tasiyah.
The RES/CIC division also created a “Social Committee”. This committee will ensure that events like the Mango Party will continue to ensure better moral and employee engagement.