By Noman Butt, Operations Manager

I’m excited to announce some incredible news with all of you. Toronto Pearson was recently recognized with the esteemed title of “Best Airport over 40 Million Passengers in North America” by Airports Council International (ACI) on March 11th. This recognition is a part of ACI’s World Airport Service Quality (ASQ) program.

For more than a decade, the ASQ program has set the standard for measuring passenger satisfaction at airports worldwide. Winning this award for five consecutive years, from 2017 to 2021, is a remarkable achievement.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to exceptional service. This recognition speaks volumes about the teamwork, tireless efforts, and unwavering professionalism exhibited by our ASP team across all departments.

Every member of our team, whether on the frontline or in management, has played a pivotal role in this success. Your passion, hard work, and dedication have not only contributed to Toronto Pearson’s success as an airport but have also enhanced the passenger experience significantly.

Additionally, I want to express sincere appreciation to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) for their continuous support and collaboration. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to be associated with this esteemed organization and for their ongoing commitment to excellence.

By Noman Butt, Operations Manager

Sumandeep Dhaliwal

I am writing to bring to your attention the exceptional performance of Sumandeep Dhaliwal, who is currently stationed at the main access control post in T1 during nightshifts.

Sumandeep Dhaliwal demonstrates remarkable dedication and professionalism in her role. Her positive attitude and strong work ethic set a standard of excellence that is truly commendable.

Despite the challenges inherent in her position, Sumandeep consistently goes above and beyond, ensuring that her responsibilities are fulfilled with precision and care. Her commitment to maintaining security protocols while also fostering a welcoming environment is truly exemplary.

I believe it is essential to acknowledge Sumandeep Dhaliwal’s contributions and to express appreciation for her outstanding service.

I am delighted to highlight the outstanding performance of Egmidio Alejo over the past three months. Egmidio has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication and vigilance in his role, earning well-deserved recognition from his peers and supervisors.

Recently, Egmidio was commended by PSO for his exemplary work. He intercepted a new employee attempting to exit without an escort, despite being left unattended in a restricted area for an extended period. His quick thinking and commitment to security protocols prevented a potential breach, showcasing his unwavering dedication to his duties.

His proactive approach not only ensures compliance but also enhances the safety and security of our premises.


In our busy workdays, sometimes it’s the little things that really matter. That’s what happened with one of our team members, Dale Pershad. He got a task from ASP supervisors that seemed normal at first. But what Dale did next was really impressive. Not only did Dale do the task really well, but he also did more. Dale made a detailed report with pictures for everyone on the team to see.

This shows how dedicated and practical Dale is. He didn’t let problems get in the way – he faced them directly. And this isn’t the first time he’s shown this dedication. Whether it’s helping supervisors or making sure tasks are done perfectly, Dale is a big help to our team.

Because of people like Dale, our team is known for doing great work. They remind us that doing our best isn’t just about what we do, but how we do it – with passion, determination, and a commitment to doing our best. Great job, Dale! You’re an inspiration to us all.


Sadiq Sediqullah’s journey at ASP is truly remarkable, and his story exemplifies the importance of first impressions. His journey with ASP started in June 2023, when Sadiq started as an airside access control guard but his exceptional attitude, unwavering commitment, and ability to tackle any task with precision quickly set him apart. The terminal and airside supervisors recognized his outstanding performance, making him a sought-after guard to help with difficult tasks.

Sadiq’s dedication led to him being cross-trained for multiple posts and clients including IFC, British Airways, Airside Breaks, Terminal access control, and Specialists (Baggage Hall). His versatility and excellence prompted further advancement, and he became a supervisor at IFC, Airside, and Terminal – a rare distinction indeed.

Sadiq’s journey serves as a testament to the opportunities for growth within our organization.

By Anissah Dia, Site Manager

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the passenger experience at the Ottawa International Airport, we’re excited to share some news about the evolution of our customer service team. Building on our existing services, the team has recently taken on new tasks to better serve travelers passing through the airport.

ASP Customer Service Representatives will be stationed throughout the terminal and are now tasked with providing not only general airport and tourist information but also offer assistance past security in the Centre court area.

In addition to staffing the information desk, our team has adopted a dynamic approach by “taking off” to rove the terminals. This proactive strategy allows us to reach passengers wherever they may be, ensuring that no inquiry goes unanswered, and no traveler feels lost in the bustling atmosphere of the airport.

So, the next time you’re at the airport, keep an eye out for our ASP Customer Service Representatives. Whether they’re stationed at the information desk or roaming the terminal, they’re here to make your journey smoother and more enjoyable!

By Garinder Grewal, Director of Aviation

At Billy Bishop Toronto Airport (BBTCA), exceptional customer service isn’t just a goal; it’s a standard upheld by individuals like Zahra Ahmadi, a valued member of the ASP Inc. team. Zahra’s role revolves around ensuring passengers have a seamless, positive experience, particularly with the PIK- machines, and providing top-notch customer service.

Recognized by ASP Inc. for her outstanding dedication, Zahra has consistently received positive feedback from clients. Her proactive approach to assisting passengers sets her apart, as she goes above and beyond to enhance their journey. Whether it’s guiding travellers through the airport or addressing their concerns with warmth and efficiency, Zahra is committed to delivering excellence.

What truly distinguishes Zahra is her proactive mindset. She doesn’t wait for issues to arise; instead, she actively seeks opportunities to improve the passenger experience. Zahra’s keen eye for detail enables her to identify out-ofservice equipment or escalators promptly. By promptly reporting these issues to airport operations, she ensures swift resolutions, minimizing disruptions for passengers.

Zahra Ahmadi exemplifies ASP Inc.’s commitment to exceptional service at BBTCA. Her dedication, proactive approach, and unwavering focus on passenger satisfaction make her an invaluable asset. As she continues to elevate the standard of customer service, Zahra sets a shining example for her colleagues and inspires those around her to strive for excellence.

By Annisah Dia, Site Manager

Mahmoud Ghadi

Mahmoud Ghadi joined us in September 2023. He has quickly become an integral part of our ASP team. His punctuality and commitment to his role are commendable, and his positive attitude is infectious.

We’re thrilled to have Mahmoud on board and look forward to his continued positive work ethic that make him a valuable member of our Ottawa Airport team.

Thank you Mahmoud for the enthusiasm and care you bring to our team every day!

By Noman Butt, Acting Operations Manager and Ramakrishna Malkapuram, Service Delivery Manager

As the festive season unfolded, our workplace transformed into a hub of joy, laughter, and camaraderie. In the spirit of giving and gratitude, we extend our deepest thanks to each member of our exceptional staff. Whether you joined us for the Christmas and New Year’s lunch, worked diligently on those special holidays, or contributed to our Food Bank drive, your efforts have truly made this season brighter and more meaningful.

We are immensely grateful to those of you who dedicated your time and efforts to work on Christmas and New Year’s Day. Your commitment and willingness to be on duty during these special days did not go unnoticed. Your hard work ensured that our operations continued smoothly, and for that, we express our heartfelt appreciation. This holiday season, our staff once again demonstrated their incredible generosity by contributing to our Food Bank drive. Your donations will go a long way in supporting those in our community who are facing challenges during this time. It’s inspiring to see our team come together to make a positive impact beyond the walls of our workplace.

As we bid farewell to the holiday season and step into a new year, we carry with us the warmth of the memories created by our remarkable staff. Thank you for your dedication, your presence, and your generosity. The spirit of giving and gratitude you’ve displayed this season sets a beautiful tone for the year ahead. Here’s to another year of collaboration, kindness, and shared moments that make our workplace a truly special community.

By Noman Butt, Acting Operations Manager and Ramakrishna Malkapuram, Service Delivery Manager

The ASP BBQ event was a great way to end the summer – It is always a wonderful feeling to meet all our staff at the airport with a get together! We would like to thank all of you profoundly for making it a big success. It was a memorable day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and high spirits.

We would like to thank each employee for participating and making it successful. We’re extremely lucky to have staff like you on our team and it could have not been possible without you. We sincerely appreciate all your hard work and dedication. Thank you once again for your commitment and invaluable contributions toward helping this business reach its full potential. Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to the Winners:

In the midst of the festivities, we had the pleasure of announcing the winners of our gift card giveaway. A big congratulations to the ten individuals who were fortunate enough to walk away with these special prizes, including 2$100 gift cards, 4 $50 gift cards and 4 $25 gift cards. Your enthusiasm and participation did not go unnoticed, and we are delighted to celebrate your success. As we reflect on the success of the BBQ, we are reminded of the incredible team we have and the positive energy that fills our workplace. Thank you once again to all the employees who attended, making it a day to remember. Here’s to many more moments of shared success and joy in the future.

Rama, Ranjit Bhatti & Noman

Rama, Ranjit Bhatti & Noman

Noman , Skender Gacaj & Rama

Noman , Skender Gacaj & Rama

Rama, Vivian Khoshaba & Noman

Rama, Vivian Khoshaba & Noman

Noman & Jagmail Gill

Noman & Jagmail Gill

Rama, Sandeep Sidhu & Noel Misquitta

Rama, Sandeep Sidhu & Noel Misquitta

Osmond Coutinho & Rustem Nazarov

Osmond Coutinho & Rustem Nazarov

Shweta Gaur & Rusmika Nadan

Shweta Gaur & Rusmika Nadan

Issa Hassan & Rama

Arshad Naila, Noman & Kalsi Sarabjeet

Arshad Naila, Noman & Kalsi Sarabjeet

By Garinder Grewal

It is with great excitement that I share the news of ASP being awarded the Provision of Customer Services at the Winnipeg International Airport(YWG) with the Winnipeg Airport Authority(WAA). This is a big win for us at a new airport. Our responsibility will be to provide Operational Support Representatives (OSR) based at the Air Terminal Building. The WAA prides itself on their Prairie hospitality, and I know we can meet their expectations with hard work and the ASP partnership approach. We will be providing active customer care and continuous presence in public spaces on both groundside and airside areas. This position will be responsible for maintaining a safe, secure, and efficient operating environment for the airport community, passengers, and visiting public at WAA. Stay tuned for more updates.

Winning Winnipeg

By Noman Butt, Operations Manager and Ramakrishna Malkapuram, Service Delivery Manager

Nadesha Warren

Nadesha became the unsung hero of the day by helping find a lost cell phone. Instead of simply noting the lost item or directing the passenger to Lost and found, Nadesha took it upon herself to go above and beyond her duties to retrieve the forgotten phone. This act of kindness and resourcefulness didn’t just save the day; it saved the week, month, and perhaps even the entire travel experience for the grateful individual. Please see the comments below from the passenger.

“Nadesha at security went above and beyond to retrieve it. She saved my day, week, month ….!!! Kudos for being kind and resourceful! Thank you Nadesha”.



On November 24th, our dedicated guard on duty, Sodhi Jaswinder, demonstrated exceptional knowledge and alertness, preventing a potentially serious incident during her shift. Her quick thinking and decisive actions thwarted a situation involving a domestic flight passenger attempting to enter the Transborder area.

As a witness to the event, Shift manager Marsela observed Sodhi Jaswinder’s swift response. Jaswinder maintained her position to ensure that no passengers would inadvertently pass through. Her commitment to duty and unwavering vigilance played a crucial role in averting a potential breach.

She was rightfully recognized with a star for her exemplary service. Her actions not only prevented a potential security breach but also showcased the importance of well-trained and attentive security personnel in ensuring the safety of all stakeholders. A job well done, indeed!

Lovleen Kaur

In every workplace, there are individuals who make a difference through their dedication and commitment. Lovleen Kaur, the Shift Manager at Terminal 3, is one such individual. Her proactive response to a challenging incident and ongoing assistance to the team have not only left a positive impression but have also earned her heartfelt appreciation from the clients. This recognition serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the hard work of individuals like Lovleen, who contribute to the smooth operation and safety of their workplace. Please see client’s comments below.

“On Dec 3, we had a hectic incident in T3. Lovleen was there ready to assist and even attempted to stop a trespasser. She was on scene until the end to provide any assistance – whatever was required in that moment. Lovleen is always assisting our team with any requests. So, I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for all the hard work! “

By Ramakrishna Malkapuram, Operations Manager

The event was held on the 22nd of September 2023, the 5th day of the airport safety week. The weather was perfect for an effective clean-up, and as usual, the ASP management team comprising of David, Rushmika, Noman, and Rama were in full presence to express their unflinching solidarity for the GTAA initiative. FOD are any foreign objects found in inappropriate locations that can potentially cause damage to aircraft or result in injuries.

We were surprised what we found during our walk – items such as deflated tires, oil cans, empty water bottles, Smart Carte, deflated tires, pieces of luggage, and loose hardware were found near the apron area.

All in all, it was a successful and productive day. We have collectively decided moving forward we will invite our front-line staff to this GTAA initiative to ascertain ASP’s commitment to the safety and security of the Pearson Airport.

Pearson FOD Walk
Pearson FOD Walk
Pearson FOD Walk
Pearson FOD Walk
Pearson FOD Walk